
WinMX Client download:

Download WinMX 3.53 now!

Older clients, beta clients and other installers are available here

Third party software for WinMX:

For a full list of available WinMX tools and utilities (1400+ files), check our WinMXWorld Archive

The most popular third party software for WinMX is listed here:

Tools and Toys Fixed For New Peer Caches - These are some of your favorite Bots, Chat Clients, and Chat Servers that are fixed for the new WinMX Peer Caches.  
It's important to note that most of the latest versions of these have either been repaired by the programmers to work with the new caches or you can get a special patch that will allow them to connect Downloads page  -  Look for Patch for third party applications

Chat Servers - For hosting your own Chat Room.

Chat Clients - For joining WinMX Chat rooms without WinMX.

Bots - Bots you can use in rooms on WinMX.

Upload Managers - To give you some control over your uploads.

Tools to use with WinMX - Tools that you can use along with your WinMX.

Fun chat Toys - To Allow you to break up a quiet day with a range of interesting effects or pictures.

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