Virus, Spyware, and Nasties When Searching

We have a great tutorial if your actually having troubles with some of these or suspect that you maybe infected, so on this page I'm mainly going to discuss these in context of searching for files on WinMX.

First let me say that I've been on WinMX for approximately 5-6 years, and in this time I've only encountered a small amount of users (I could count on one hand easy) that have ever downloaded virii or malicious files on WinMX, that said however, I'm not fool enough to assume it can't or doesn't happen ever.  I want you to feel generally safe about WinMX but be protected at the same time.  Here are some tips to do just that.

Dangerous File Warning On WinMX
By default WinMX is set to warn you everytime you try to download certain file types that 'could' potentially prove dangerous.  This is NOT like live antivirus, it does not mean the file is actually dangerous, however you should always scan all files as mentioned.  

By Selecting 'Yes' here you can supress this warning for this session.  Selecting 'No' will cancel the download attempt.
You can also disable this warning in WinMX > Settings > File Transfers > Botton of the right side place a tick in 'Supress Dangerous Filetype Warning (Permanent or This session Only)'.

Check Files With Antivirus
The first thing to do is to make sure that the files you download are going into a separate folder where you can check them before you share them.  This can be a hassle I know, but it's the best way to verify that what you have is virus free and is what it says on the tin so to speak before you share it on the network and spread things you shouldn't.
Make a separate folder and virus scan this with your scanner of choice on EVERY download.  It's highly unlikely that you will have any problems especially with mp3s or video files but it only takes a moment to make sure.

Look at Information Before You Download
Look at the information other then just the file name, before you begin downloading.  In the Search area you can see the file size and quality and make sure it seems appropriate.  If not skip it.  

Remember to check a files full name before you download it, in other words if you see this in your search or browse of someone:

Notice the ... at the end, this is called Truncated Name, and this means that you don't really know what your downloading, is this a *.pdf is it a *.zip file?  Hover your mouse over the | between the word File & Bytes and Left click and Hold and drag this to the Right until the entire file name is in view.

Some Content to Be Careful With
Many times things labeled as 'cracks' 'serials' and the like for programs are small and should be small but many of those are in fact Trojans or virii.  Its probably best to get these types of files from users you know, or get them bundled with the programs they are made for instead of separately.

Users Soliciting You To Download Files
Beware of users sending pms asking you to download things, most of you have probably heard about some of the MSN or Yahoo viruses that say things like 'omg here is this picture really you  http://www.yourname/yourpictures.virus  and you click because wow is that really me?  Bam!! It owns you now.
Someone sending you a PM out of the blue asking you to download files from them when you didn't ask for and have no real idea who this is, is the same principle.  We have had some users going around spreading viruses this way on WinMX and most of that handful of users I mentioned earlier were victims of this.

If you continue to have problems after trying the above please visit the forum and post your information so we can look at the issues.

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