WinMX Incompleted File Format Information
The file formatting on partial incoming files has to take account of some of the attributes of the actual completed file so that alternative sources of the file can be matched and utilised.
In the case of a file being incompleted due to remote source loss or other interruption in the transfer a simple system has been implemented to deliver the required file information by adding it to the actual file title temporarily until its finally completed.
Here is an example of the system showing a popular mp3 format file title.

This method breaks down into these relevant fields
"Incomplete", File Title, File Hash (16), Completed File Length (in hex), Bitrate (in hex), Frequency (in hex), Time (in hex) alternatively...

or even more simply...
The fields become more familiar in their decimal formats opposite their hex ones, as shown below
4,972,379: Total file length in bytes - 004bdf5b
Alternative Hash Format: - 31c061b90f6071226c44bf54cb2b4c39
192: Bitrate in headecimal format - 00c0
44100: File Sample Frequency in headecimal format - 0000ac44
3.27 File Playback Time in seconds in hexadecimal format - 000000cf *(Note) [Note] In the example above the time is worked out in the following way 3.27 minutes = 207 secs and 207 in hexadecimal is CF
For other file types the formatting is near identical, its simply the exact same method until you reach the length field, after that any other fields are not expressed as shown below
I hope this tutorial has been informative and would like thank Willmav for his help with the time formatting method used, cheers Willmav!
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