Zenar's MxRooms - How To Use And Help Guide

This is a useful room listing tool that was made primarily to test the programmer's skill in using Visual Basic to build programs and tools for the WinMX/WPN Network.
The programmer Zenar does not have a site of his own and has allowed us to host this for him for you all to use, you can get it from here.

You will need to place the contents of the Rar file into its own folder, as shown below.

How to use MxRooms

Click on the file called "MxRooms Beta2.exe" and the program will firstly display A splash screen as shown below.

This is the main display window that will be shown after the splash screen has disappeared..

NOTE: After you have run the program once it will generate a new file called "MXRoomsConfigs.ini" in the same folder as you placed the MxRoom's files.

Options and Menus

From the main display window there are some menu options available they are "Connection","File","Options","Info", lets go through each one individually.

Connection: As you can see this is an important menu as it controls the MxRooms connection to the WPN and also gives you a further chance
to change the peer cache in case you made a mistake when you first ran the program.

File: The file drop down menu only contains one option and thats to "save room list", clicking on this will open a further dialogue screen, as shown below.

From here you can save the roomlist and make changes to the various field you may wish to include or exclude, and have a choice of HTML or plain text formats.

Options: this menu has 4 items to select from and we shall start by looking at the "show all rooms" which is the opposite of the button below that allows for you to
filter rooms by roomname or topic (depending on if you set the tick active), as shown here.

Clicking on "show all rooms" overrides any filter setting allowing you to obtain the full room list.
You also have the option to clear the room list ("clear room list") and another option to clear and refresh the roomlist ("clear and sent room request")

About: this menu has two items one is the usual "about this program" window that displays the programmers contact details.

We have now explored the various option menus so lets see the roomlist window and the status window in action

If you click anywhere on the roomlist window you will obtain a further menu as seen here.

This menu allows you to "copy the roomname", "room topic" and "search all rooms hosted by this user" also allows you to see if a host has more than one room listed under the same internet address,
one further interesting function is the "stats", as shown below this gives a count of the types of chat room such as winmx or chatserver and the type.

I hope this tutorial has been helpful in explaining how this program operates if you have any further questions please post them on the forum.

This program is from Zenar who codes in VB and VB.NET and is currently active on many of the WinMX related forums especially MxControl where he helps administer the site.

Cheers Zenar

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