Help and User Guide for Using E-Serv Chat Server by Eagle

This program has been around for some time and has many benefits to use over other chat servers.  One of those is how stable this runs, using very low resources.
This server runs on Windows or on Linux enviroments (no need for wine with this).  It can support both Ouka style or fx style color codes. It has complete control of configs from the chat screen, making it easy to make changes to the configs if your access is high enough.

So without further ado, let's get started.

Where to Get This Software

You can get the latest version of E-Serv from here:
E-Serv Windows Version
E-Serv Linux Version (Eng)

We are going over the English versions but if you prefer to use the server in Italiano you can get those from here:
Main Site
Direct Downloads
E-Serv Windows Version
E-Serv Linux Version


Note: We are going to go over the Windows Installation, I feel if you're a Linux user, you're probably already aware how to install and run this like any other program on that system.

Extract the contents of the '' file, we suggest extract it to C:\Program Files, the files for the server are all contained in a folder and this will create a folder in Prgram Files called EServWindows.

That's it, it's installed and ready to begin making changes to, to customize it for your room.

What Files You Should Have/What They Do

First of all let's browse to find your new folder, if you did as suggested above go to 'My Computer > Local Disk C > Program Files > EServWindows' folder, or whereever you placed it.  It can run from any location.
Open this and you should see the following files:

Here is what you have listed:
config.txt - This file holds all the rooms actual settings like name, port, access levels etc.. we'll discuss in length shortly.
es028.exe - This is the actual E-Serv program executable.
config guide (eng).txt - This is the Guide to your Config settings.
language.txt - This is the file E-Serv will use for various Server messages and commands.
motd.txt - This is where you 'can' place larger motd (message of the day).  If your room uses pictures or lots of text on entry, you can place it all in this file.  Shorter motd's can be placed directly in the config.

Setting Up

Now is a good time if you like to use shortcuts to programs to right click the 'es028.exe' file and choose 'Send to...' > Desktop (create shortcut).  You can use that to start the server.

Now E-Serv is loaded and at this point we can open it, but it's best to make a few changes to the config.txt file to customize it to your liking first.

Customizing the Room

There is no GUI control of this config like some chat servers that have boxes to help with configuration however, once you get to know more about what settings do what, I think you'll agree this is just as easy or more so to adjust and make your own.

Go ahead and open the 'config.txt' file now with your favorite text editor, I am using notepad, because it's least likely to add characters or spaces where they will cause me problems later.

Have a look through some of the settings here, some are obvious and some you may not be sure of, if your used to other chat servers, the control of this server is much more like hosting controls for WinMX v3.5x chat rooms, but with many more features.
There are a couple of things that I would suggest you change right away and then we'll give you a list of the other settings and what they are for.

Scroll down to where you see the command '/mklogin 150 password+'.  
This command will make a login with an access level of 150 and the login word is 'password+'.
The next line says '/mklogin 230 password@'.
This command will make a login with an access level of 230 and the login word is 'password@'.

It is vital at this time that you change the login words on this to something that only you know or admins of yours will use.  Leaving this as is means that anyone that has ever downloaded E-Serv knows your logins and can do a lot of damage to your room.  Once you have changed those words as shown below
/mklogin 150 <yournewloginhere>
/mklogin 230 <yournewloginhere>

Click the File > Save button in the top left corner of notepad.


Below you will find the config guide.txt file where you can find information on different settings available for you to use in the server.

Key to Parameters:
<name> = Username
<level> = Access level assigned to it
<loginword> = password
<loginID> = Access level number
<parameter> = Parameter measured in listed with it ie; seconds, numbers, milliseconds.

[hidden='Click Me! To Open Config Guide In English']

/channelname <RoomName>  - Sets channelname
/set channelname 225  - Min level to set a channelname
/topic <topic text>  - Sets the main room topic
/nodes 3  - Number of primary nodes to connect to for listing (0 keeps it from listing and hides the room)
/pcs - Peer cache server to use (this can be an IP address although we dont recommend this, you can also try here)
/set pcs 229  - Sets min level to use /pcs
/port 6698  - Port for hosting the room, this can be changed but remember must match router/DSL Modem/firewall if applicable
/httpport 80  - Port for http connections, i.e. from web chat
/format 130 #c8#<#c2#$NAME$#c8#>#c1#$C$ $TEXT$ - Text format for level 130
/format 190 #c7#<#c2#$NAME$#c7#>#c1#$C$ $TEXT$ - Text format for level 190
/format 5 #c2#<$NAME$#c2#>#c1#$C$ $TEXT$ - Text format for level 5
/set format 230  - Sets min level to change formats
/set clearformats 225  - Sets min level to use /clearformats command
/set @ 200  - The min level to display @ in front of name
/set + 140  - The min level to display + in front of name
/set ipshown 130  - Sets min level to see IP's on entry
/set joinedwith 150  - Sets min level to see additional nicknames used with the same IP on entry
/set endnick 9  - Sets how many digits to cut off from rawname (use 0 - 9 9=all numbers 0=no numbers cut off)
/set botendnick 0 <name>  - Number of digits to cut off from the end of rawname <botname> (use 0 - 9 9=all numbers 0=no numbers cut off)
/set commandendnick 6  - Number of digits to cut off from the end of rawname for watchcmds
/mklogin 150 password+  - Creates a login for level 150 with password password+ (CHANGE THIS PASSWORD BEFORE OPENING ROOM)
/mklogin 230 password@  - Creates a login for level 230 with password password@ (CHANGE THIS PASSWORD BEFORE OPENING ROOM)
/set mklogin 230  - Sets min level to use /mklogin
/set login 6  - Sets min level use /login
/set lslogin 230  - Sets min level to use /lslogin
/rmalllogins  - Removes all logins
/set default 65  - Default level on enter
/set action 60  - The min level to use action text /me
/set caps 150  - Sets min level to use caps
/set echo 150 <name>  - Sets min level to use /echo (can be used on oneself without parameters)
/set exile 180  - Sets min level to use /exile
/set flood 150  - Sets min level to flood
/set impose 201  - Sets min level to impose someone (/impose Room123 <some text> shows as <Room123> some text)
/block $NAME$  - Blocks the specified name
/block $TEXT$  - Blocks the specified text
/block 7login  - Blocks mistyping /login for example
/set actionblock 1  - Action for blocked words 0=does nothing (displays blocked word) 1=blocks+does nothing 2=blocks+kicks 3=blocks+kickbans
/set block 230  - Sets min level to add blocked words
/set clearblock 230  - Sets min level to use /clearblock
/set ban 150  - Sets min level to use /ban
/set banrange 200  - Sets min level to use /banrange
/set clearbans 180  - Sets min level use /clearbans
/set listbans 150  - Sets min level to use /listbans
/set blockbots 0  - 0=allows bots 1=blocks bots
/set bot 150  - Sets min level use /bot
/replace 7opmsg=oops  - Replaces text
/set clearreplace 230  - Sets min level to use /clearreplace
/set color 0  - Sets min level to use colors (set to 256 to display like good old winmx3.31, /bot isn't neccessary then)
/set coloradminmessage 1  - 1=allows colors in opmsg 0=no colors in opmsg
/set differencelevel 5  - Difference in levels for creating new logins (when set to 5 a user with level 230 can create logins up to level 225)
/set kick 150  - Sets min level to use /kick
/set kickip 150  - Sets min level to use  /kickip (kicks all users with same IP)
/set level 135  - Sets the min level to see userlevels
/set listnocolors 0  - 0=shows colored nicks in userlist 1=filters out all color codes the userlist (whois won't work then!!!!)
/set loadcfg 230  - Sets min level use /loadcfg
/set loadlanguage 230  - Sets min level use /loadlanguage
/set loadmotd 230  - Sets min level use /loadmotd
/set maxconnection 3  - Sets max number of connections from the same IP
/set message 150  - Sets min level to use /message
/set motd 180  - Sets min level to use /motd
/set newline 150  - Sets min level to use \n
/set nicknocolors 0  - 0=Shows color codes 1=Filters out all color codes from usernames (whois won't work!!!)
/set nodes 229  - Sets the min level to use /nodes
/set notice 201  - Sets the min level to use /notice
/set opmsg 130  - Sets min level to use /opmsg
/set pauseshowerror 3  - Pauses the error messages for 3 seconds when a banned user tries to enter
/set ping 50  - Ping interval for clients
/set port 230  - Sets min level to use /port (set the room port)
/set raw 230  - Sets Min Level to use the /raw commands (/raw <packetdata>
/set rawuser 230  - Sets min level for the command /rawuser (like /raw but aimed at one user only)
/set read 20  - Sets min level for a user to be able to read whats written in chat.
/set red 135  - Sets min level for users to have the < > on nick in red. (if no formats are being used instead)
/set redirect 200  - Sets the min level to be able to use /redirect
/set redirectrecvmax 120  - Sets max level of users to include in redirect (setting this below your highest admins will leave them in the room when its redirecting)
/set redirectrecvmin 0  - Sets Min level of users to include in redirect
/set renameendnick 0  - Number of digits to cut off from rawname when showing renames (0=None up to 9=All)
/set replace 230  - Sets min level to use /replace
/set rmalllogins 225  - Sets min level to use /rmalllogins
/set rmlogin 230  - Sets min level to use /rmlogin
/set savecfg 230  - Sets min level to use /savecfg
/set sendlisttimeout 1000  - Timeout of the function "send()" of "non blocking sockets" (in ms)
/set sendmotdtimeout 1000  - Timeout of the function "send()" of "non blocking sockets" (in ms)
/set sendtimeout 0  - Timeout of the function "send()" of "non blocking sockets" (in ms)
/set set 225  - Sets min level to use any /set* commands
/set setuserlevel 200  - Sets the min level to use /setuserlevel command.
/set shortstayban 0  - Sets time in seconds a user must stay before short stay ban works (0 basically disables this)
/set showban 55  - Sets min level to view clients banned message (exact message can be set in language file)
/set showchangenick 0  - Set to 1 to show the "%name% has changed nicks to %name%" message  Set to 0 to disable (exact message can be set in language file)
/set showchangenick 0  - Sets the min level to view "%name% has changed nicks to %name" message
/set showchangeprimary 1  - To Display the notice "user has changed primary", Set to 0 to diable.
/set showchangeprimary 1  - The minimum level to read "user has changed primary"
/set showerrors 130  - Sets the min level to be able to read error messages
/set showkick 55  - Sets the min level to see "user was kicked" message
/set showlogin 150  - Sets the min level to see "user has loged in message" (exact message can be set in language file)
/set showsetuserlevel 55  - Sets the min level to which the 'change of level' is visable
/set showunban 55  - Sets the min level for which bans removed are visable
/set showuserlist 1  - Set to 1 makes user list visable, set to 0 to diable userlist
/set showwhereentered 65  - Sets the min level to view users entering
/set showwhoban 135  - Sets the min level to view who used the /ban
/set showwhokick 135  - Sets the min level to view who used the /kick
/set showwhosetuserlevel 135  - Sets the min level to view who used /setuserlevel
/set showwhounban 135  - Sets the min level to view who used the /unban
/set showyouerror 1  - 0=No error messages shown 1=Error messages will show
/set showyouhavebeenbanned 1  - Set to 1 to show the "You have been banned" message  Set to 0 to disable (exact message can be set in language file)
/set showyouhavebeenkicked 0  - Set to 1 to show the "You have been kicked" message  Set to 0 to disable (exact message can be set in language file)
/set showyousetuserlevel 1  - Set to 1 to show the "You set user level to..." message  Set to 0 to diable (exact message can be set in language file)
/set sleep 10  - Milliseconds to wait between messages posted (can help to keep bots or users from getting the 'flood' kick)
/set symbol 230  - Sets the min level to change the symbols @, +, & or - in user list
/set textcolor 30  - Sets the min level for using color in text
/set timeflood 5  - Sets number of lines when anti flood will kick in
/set timeflood 5  - Sets the time limit for the above 5 lines, in seconds
/set topic 180  - Sets the min level to use /topic (change the topic)
/set unban 150  - Sets the min level to use /unban
/set updateip 230  - Sets the min level to use /updateip
/set users 225  - Sets the Min level to use /users command
/set viewblock 220  - Sets the min level to view blocked words
/set viewbot 150  - Sets the min level to view a bots version when it enters
/set viewstats 30  - Sets the min level to use /stats command
/set voice 15  - Sets the min level to type (have voice) in room
/set watchcmds 230  - Sets the min level to view watchcmds (anything typed with / before it)
/set whois 150  - Sets the min level to use /whois command
/symbol - 130  - Sets the min level user gets - sign
/symbol & 135  - Sets the min level user gets & sign
/users 0  - Sets user amount for chat list (fake user counts)
/set 34 6  - Sets min level of users that can utilize the WPCC feature of "'nick' is writing a message and private message (this will only work for WPCC Clients but ES is the only chat server that supports it)
/set time34flood 2  - If one sends pi of 6 packages of type 0x34XX in 5 second ones, comes hunted[/hidden]

This is a long list of settings I realize it's a lot to go through, for the most part getting the Channelname(s), Topic(s), Motd, and Port set are the main things to configure right away.  After that you can start customizing a bit more, with the server open if you like.

Customize Access Levels/Formats

One thing you'll notice here is No access letters like FX or WCS, the system used for admin is more like WinMX hosted rooms, meaning you can set levels from 0 - 255 access level, the trick to customizing this for different levels of admin you may have now is dividing this access into groups.  For example in the WinMX World Help room we use 0-99 as default user functions, 100-200 as our Main Admin Levels, and 200+ as our Co-Host levels.
This not only allows us to separate permissions for different commands but also allows us to set a text format for each admin (if they so like).  Each access then has its own ID which also is equivalant to the level.
For example
/mklogin 100 admin1
/mklogin 101 admin2 etc...
This then lets us also have
/format 100 #c8#«#c2#$NAME$#c8#»#c1#$C$ $TEXT$
/format 101 #c6#*#c3#$NAME$#c6#*#c3#$C$ $TEXT$

While we are talking about Text Formats if none are set up in the config file it will revert to the standard ones like WinMX uses '< >', there are also settings in the config to set those to Red < > bars if they have high enough access, just like in WinMX hosting.  
Setting up text formats overrides those.
The syntax of the format is pretty simple $NAME$ & $TEXT$ must be in it, $C$ is for custom colored texts.

Commands Available

Right we have set up the room and made sure default passwords are changed, and given our room a Name and Topic in the Config.txt file, the next thing we need to know about is what commands are available to use.  Basically anything that is in the config is a command.  For example the /set kickban <levelhere> command in the Config.txt file can also be typed into the room to change it (providing the one trying to change it has the right access).

[hidden='Click Me! For A List of Available Commands']
/channelname <MainRoomName>  //Sets main channelname
/channelname1 <Channelname1>  //Sets channel1 room name
/channelname2 <Channelname2>  //Sets channel2 room name
/channelname3 <Channelname3>  //Sets channel3 room name
/pcs <cache IP or Hostname>  //Sets what peer caches to use
/set pcs <level>  //Sets level allowed to use /pcs
/port <portnumber> //Sets port to use, must restart for this to work
/set port <level>  //Sets level allowed to use /port
/httpport <portforwebchatuse>  //Sets http port, used for web chat
/format <levelID> <format like #c8#<#c2#$NAME$#c8#>#c1#$C$ $TEXT$> //Sets text format for loginID, be sure what ever you make this you keep the $NAME$ and $TEXT$
/set format <level>  //Sets level allowed to use /format
/clearformats  //Clears all formats
/set clearformats <level>  //Sets level allowed to use /clearformats
/set @ <level>  //Sets the level for users to have the @ symbol in user list
/set + <level>  //Sets the level for the users to have the + symbol in the user list
/set ipshown <level>  //Sets the level for users to be able to see ip's on entry.
/set joinedwith <level>  //Sets the level for users to see the 'Joined With Message' when one enters more then one client or bot on a single IP
/set endnick <number between 0 and 9>  //Sets the Trim numbers off rawnames
/set botendnick <number between 0 and 9> <name>  //Sets the Trim numbers off of bot names (/bot <name> command)
/set commandendnick <number between 0 and 9>  //Sets the Trim numbers off of names in watchcommands
/mklogin <level> <loginword>  //Makes loginwords and level
/set mklogin <level>  //Sets level allowed to user /mklogin
/login <loginword>  //Use this to login with password
/set login <level>  //Sets level allowed to use Login
/lslogin  //Lists all login words and levels
/set lslogin <level>  //Sets level allowed to use /lslogin
/rmalllogins  //Removes all logins
/set default <level>  //Sets level of default when entry
/set action <level>  //Sets level allowed to use action or /me text
/set caps <level>  //Sets level allowed to use CAPS
/echo  //Disables or Reenables echo (this causes you not to be able to see your text 'it doesnt get sent back to you from the server')
/echo <name>  //Disables or Reenables echo for <name> (this causes the user not to be able to see their text 'never gets sent to them from the server')
/set echo <level>  //Sets level allowed to use /echo
/set exile <level>  //Set level allowed to use /exile
/set flood <level>  //Set level excempt from the flood kick
/set impose <level>  //Set level allowed to use /impose
/block <parameter which could be a name, words, text, passwords>  //Sets up words that will be blocked competely
/set actionblock <1,2, or 3>  //What happens when blocked words are used (1=Block+nothing 2=Block+kick 3=Block+kickban)
/set block <level>  //Sets level allowed to use /block
/set clearblock <level>  //Sets level allowed to use /clearblock
/clearblock  //Clears all blocks
/set ban <level>  //Sets level allowed to use /ban
/ban <name>  //Command to ban user name
/banip <ip>  //Command to ban by IP
/banip <ip/16 or /24>  //Bans a Range of ips (/banip bans 123.12.*.*::  16 means "first 16 bits of the ip must be considered" /24 would be 123.12.13.*)
/set banrange <level>  //Sets level allowed to use /banip <range>
/clearbans  //Clears all bans
/set clearbans <level>  //Sets level allowed to use /clearbans
/listbans  //Lists all bans
/set listbans <level>  //Sets level allowed to use /listbans
/set blockbots <0=allowbots 1=blockbots>  //Sets allow or block bots
/bot <name>  //Toggles bot mode for <name> (can be used on oneself without parameters)
/set bot <level>  //Sets level allowed to use /bot or /bot <name>
/replace <wordtoreplace=replacmentword>  //Sets replace text
/set clearreplace <level>  //Sets level allowed to use /clearreplace
/clearreplace  //Command to clear all replace texts
/set color <level>  //Sets level allowed to use /set color
/set coloradminmessage <0=no color in Opmsg 1=color in Opmsg>  //Sets the use of color in Opmsg's
/set differencelevel <parameter>  //Sets the difference between 'your' level and the levels you set for others
/kick <name>  //Command to kick user name
/set kick <level>  //Sets level allowed to use /kick <name>
/kickip <ip>  //Command to kick by IP (all users on same ip will be kicked)
/set kickip <level>  //Sets level allowed to use /kickip
/level  //Shows your userlevel
/level <name>  //Shows the current userlevel of <name>
/set listnocolors <0=colorcodes in userlist 1=no colorcodes in userlist>  //Filters or shows color codes in user list (When filtered whois/browse will NOT work)
/loadcfg  //Command to reload the config
/set loadcfg <level>  //Sets level allowed to use /loadcfg
/loadlanguage  //Reloads language.txt file
/set loadlanguage <level>  //Sets level allowed to use /loadlanguage
/loadmotd  //Reloads motd.txt file
/set loadmotd <level>  //Sets level allowed to use /loadmotd
/set maxconnection <parmeter>  //Sets max connections from a single IP allowed
/message <name> <text>  //Sends private message in chat screen to <name>
/set message <level>  //Sets level allowed to use /message
/motd  //Shows current motd
/set motd <level>  //Sets level allowed to use /motd
\n  //Newline command
/set newline <level>  //Sets level allowed to use \n
/set nicknocolors <0=shows colors in names 1=filters out colors>  //Sets names with color or filters them out
/nodes <parameter>  //Sets number of primary connections to use for listing the room (set to 0 put room in offline mode)
/set nodes <level>  //Sets level allowed to use /nodes
/notice <text>  //Notice commands makes text anonymous
/set notice <level>  //Sets level allowed to use /notice
/opmsg  //Op Message command only users with higher levels can see this (admin conversations)
/set opmsg <level>  //Sets level allowed to 'view' /opmsg text
/set pauseshowerror <parameter in seconds>  //Sets time of pause between error happens and error message shows
/set ping <parameter>  //Sets ping time of clients (this is how the server knows a client is still in the room)
/raw <rawdatatosend>  //Command to send raw data packets (used for developers and testing)
/set raw <level>  //Sets level allowed to use /raw
/rawuser <level>  //Sets a specific user to recieve raw data packets (again for developers and testing)
/set rawuser <level>  //Sets level allowed to use /rawuser
/set read <level>  //Sets level allowed to 'read' text in room (0 will let everyone that enters read the room)
/set red <level>  //Sets the level at which the [color=red]< > bars will be red for admins (setting formats over rides this)
/redirect <roomname>  //Redirects all users from room (setting the redirectrecmax and redirectrecmin will cause users withing those paramters to be redirected only)
/set redirect <level>  //Sets level allowed to use /redirect
/set redirectrecmax <level>  //Sets Max level of those affected by /redirect
/set redirectrecmin <level>  //Sets Min level of those affected by /redirect
/set renameendnick <parameter 0 - 9>  //Sets numbers to trim from raw names on 'nick is now known as nick' message
/replace <wordnow=replacewith>  //Sets replace words up
/set replace <level>  //Sets level allowed to use /replace
/rmalllogins  //Removes All logins
/set rmalllogins <level>  //Sets level allowed to use /rmalllogins
/rmlogin <login ID> <loginword>  //Removes one login use with login id and login word
/set rmlogin <level>  //Sets level allowed to use /rmlogin
/savecfg  //Saves the config as is, any changes made you want to keep you need to perform this command
/set savecfg <level>  //Sets level allowed to use /savecfg
/set sendlisttimeout <parameter in Milliseconds>  //Sets the time in MS for sending list time out (used for developers and testing)
/set sendmotdtimeout <parameter in Milliseconds>  //Sets the time in MS for sending motd time out (used for developers and testing)
/set sendtimeout <parameter in Milliseconds>  //Sets the time in MS for sending time out (used for developers and testing)
/set set <level>  //Sets level allowed to use any /set * command
/setuserlevel <name> <level>  //Sets user to new level (must be equal to or less than level of person using command, unless difference specified in /set differencelevel
/set setuserlevel <level>  //Sets level allowed to use /setuserlevel
/set shortstayban <parameter in seconds, 0=disabled>  //Sets short stay ban (0 disables this)
/set showban <level>  //Sets level allowed to see ban message
/set showchangenick <0=no nick change message 1=show nick change message>  //Sets whether to have 'changed name message'
/set showchangenick <if 1> <set level>  //Sets the level allowed to see changed name message if enabled
/set showchangeprimary <0=no changeprimary message 1=show changeprimary message>  //Sets whether to show 'changed primary message'
/set showchangeprimary <if 1> <set level>  //Sets the level allowed to see 'changed primary message' if enabled
/set showerrors <level>  //Sets level allowed to see error messages from the server
/set showkick <level>  //Sets level allowed to see 'user has been kicked message'
/set showlogin <level>  //Sets level allowed to see 'name has logged in with id message'
/set showsetuserlevel <level>  //Sets level allowed to see 'setuser level message'
/set showunban <level>  //Sets level allowed to see 'name/ip has been unbanned message'
/set showuserlist <0=diable userlist showing 1=enable userlist showing>  //Disables or enables user list to show
/set showwhereentered <level>  //Sets level allowed to view 'name has entered message'
/set showwhoban <level>  //Sets level allowed to see 'name banned by name' message
/set showwhokick <level>  //Sets level allowed to see 'name kicked by name' message
/set showwhosetuserlevel <level>  //Sets level allowed to see 'name set name's user level' message
/set showyouerror <0=no error messages, 1=show error messages>  //Sets whether server will show you error messages
/set showyouhavebeenbanned <0=no banned message, 1=show banned message>  //Sets 'you have been banned message'
/set showyouhavebeenkicked <0=no kicked message, 1=show kicked message>  //Sets 'you have been kicked message'
/set showyousetuserlevel <0=no setlevel message, 1=show setlevel message>  //Sets 'you set names level message'
Note:All messages can be changed in 'languages.txt file'
/set sleep <parameter in milliseconds>  //Set sleep (this can be helpful to keep bots and users from triggering the flood kick, basically a manditory pause in messages
/set symbol <level>  //Sets level allowed to use /symbol
/set textcolor <level>  //Sets level allowed to use /textcolor
/set timeflood <parameter in number of lines>  //Sets number of lines (time set below) for flood kick
/set timeflood <parameter in number of lines> <parameter in seconds>  //Sets time (lines above) for flood kick
/set topic <level>  //Sets level allowed to use /topic
/topic <topic text>  //Changes Topic (internal to the room)
/topic1 <topic text>  //Changes Topic 1 externally (only used when /channelname1 is in use)
/topic2 <topic text>  //Changes Topic 2 externally (only used when /channelname2 is in use)
/topic3 <topic text>  //Changes Topic 3 externally (only used when /channelname3 is in use)
/topics <topic text>  //Changes all Topics
/unban <name>  //Command to unban user names
/set unban <level>  //Sets level allowed to use /unban <name>
/unbanip <ip>  //Command to unban ip
/set unbanip <level>  //Sets level allowed to use /unban <ip>
/set updateip <level>  //Sets level allowed to use /updateip
/users <parameter in fake usercounts>  //Command to make room numbers up for chat list
/set users <level>  //Sets level allowed to use /users
/set viewblock <level>  //Sets level allowed to see blocked words
/set viewbot <level>  //Sets level allowed to see a bots version information when it enters
/stats  //Shows room stats
/stats <name>  //Shows user stats
/set viewstats <level>  //Sets level allowed to use /stats
/set voice <level>  //Sets level allowed to type in room
/set watchcmds <level>  //Sets level allowed to view watch commands (anything with a / infront is a watch command)
/whois <ip>  //Shows all users on any given IP in room
/set whois <level>  //Sets level allowed to use /whois
/symbol <@ or other symbol> <level>  //Sets level in which to have a '@' in the user list
/set 34 <6>  //Sets number of packets allowed at a time for the WPCC feature 'name is writing message' only useable with WPCC and ES (Its best to leave this and the next setting at defaults as per Eagle)
/set time34flood 2  //Sets a flood limit on this packet type for WPCC feature (Its best to leave this and the above setting at defaults as per Eagle)
/color  //Shows users a list of color codes available to use

I'm sure after looking over this list you can see how most all settings in the config have been set up as commands to allow you to use those as well.  The other nice thing about ES is the ability to post any of those commands into the room (providing your level is high enough), save your config and you're all set, no hassling with the config.txt file for every change, nice eh?

Languge.txt File

There are many types of messages that get posted, server messages, ways to set up the OpMsg and various things you can customize in this file.  A note here, you can NOT add new lines to this file, it is hard programmed into the server to read them via the number on the left.  You can however, customize the messages that are already in the file.

Motd.txt File

Often hosts only need a small line of text here that doesn't take up much space in the config file, if this is how your room will be set up you don't need to put anything in the motd.txt file.  
By default this file contains a lovely ascii picture of an Eagle, to show you how to set up larger pictures or texts for users to see as they enter.  If you don't want any pictures in your motd, simply open the 'motd.txt' file and remove all the lines in it, click File > Save then close it.  
This will leave the file for future use if you so desire but remove the Eagle.
Note: If you're sure you won't be using the motd at all you can keep it from being loaded by removing the line /loadmotd from your config.txt

Open the Room

If you haven't already done so go ahead and make any changes you need/want to make to the files mentioned, it's ok we'll wait for you, go on don't be afraid to go mad :>

Done?  Great lets open the room now and I'll show you a few tips to know about it.
First of all here is a picture of what you'll see when the programme has been started.

Notice that this server does not have a way to view or type in the room, remember this is part of the reason it's light weight, linux compatible, and stable.  You'll need to enter the room with WinMX or a chat client to see what all is going on.
Notice at the top of the console is your RoomName_123412332 with hash.
Tip: If you use what we call the 'loopback' address to enter your room, E-Serv will see it's a connection from the same machine hosting and automatically give you the highest level.    
This eliminates the need to use a master login to control things, however we do recommend you have one set up for yourself with a 255 level.

Once you have entered your room either via loopback or if not go ahead and use your login you created for yourself with 255 level now.
Once you are logged in you can start to make any needed changes to the server from your WinMX and Save those to your 'config.txt' by typing '/savecfg'.

Notice above I've used the 'loopback' method to join my room I am hosting and automatically received a level of 255.  All commands are typed into the chat room and I simply use the '/savecfg' command to save those.
There is no /help command in ES so it's a good idea to keep that Config Guide (eng).txt handy and to make sure any admins or users needing commands help has it also.
If they need a copy that can be obtained here:
Right Click Me and Choose Save Target As../Save Link As..

That's it really you are ready to go out into the world of E-Serv and enjoy the stability this Chat Server offers.  Thanks to Eagle for this useful programme and for allowing us to translate some of it to English for users.

©2005-2024 All rights reserved. Page last updated Thu Nov 03 2011