Metis Scripting Part 2

*About Variables And The Variables
*Pushing And Popping A Variable

Storing Info In A Variable

Welcome back to part 2.

Right this time we shall learn about variables and storing information in them so what is a variable, well there are 2 types of variables.

1. Dynamic Variable
2. Static Variable

Dynamic Variables

Dynamic Variables are variables you can both write and read data to/from. You can write data to them by using the push in commands. You may have as many uservariables as you want to read data from these variables you can use $variable-name$ - where variable-name is a unique name of the variable you want to read. variable-name may be any string or number you choose. For backward compatibility with old Metis versions you can also use %USERVAR[variable-name]% to access the variables.

Static Variables

Static Variables are variables you can only read data from. Metis stores information in them such as Usernames, System time, and so on. Here is a list of all static Variables Metis offers, and in which commands you may use them.

Variable And What It Does

Username without the digits (ID) at the end of user that trigger the command

Complete name with ID of user that triggered the command

Gets the corresponding rawname for a name or namepart (you can use this along with %PARAM% for example: %RAWNAME[%PARAM%]%)

Name of the user truncated after the first underscore, space or dot in the name

Name of user without ID before renaming

Name of user without ID after renaming

Name of user with ID before renaming

Name of user with ID before renaming

System time of your Computer in 24h format

Time in Internet beats (see This is an international standard time based on CET

Time your Computer (Windows) has been running in hours/minutes/seconds/milliseconds

Time your Computer (Windows) has been running in milliseconds

Time the bot has been running.

A random number between 0 an 2000

A random number between 0 an nMax

Number of files, user has shared

Connection type user is connected via (Cable, DSL, ISDN etc)

IP of user (WinMX 3.53 or compatible servers. Bot must have sufficient privileges to See IPs) x

Hostname of user (WinMX 3.53 or compatible servers. Bot must have sufficient privileges to See IPs) x

Resolves the hostname belonging to IP if any. Example: %HOSTNAME[]%, %HOSTNAME[%PARAM%]%, %HOSTNAME[%USERVAR[n]%]%. Returns the IP if the hostname could not be resolved x

Uservariable. n may be between 0 and 49. You can store your own stuff in these variables

A parameter forwarded from the trigger. must be present in both trigger and response. NOTE: %PARAM% MUST be at the end of the trigger: "!test %PARAM%". BAD: "!test %PARAM% some more text" will NOT work.

This variable contains the complete text of the message that triggered a <command>. If a one of your commands has the trigger "Hello, bot" and the user sends "Hello, bot my old pal", %TRIGGER% will contain "Hello, bot my old pal" ;-) This might be usefull to parse the trigger for more information (if %PARAM% is not sufficient...)

Release Version number of the Bot

Username of the bot uses in the channel

Username of the bot uses in the channel including the userid

Name of the server brand the channel is hosted on (example: Ouka)

Versionnumber of the server the channel is hosted on (example: 3.53)

Artist of audiofile currently playing (requires Winamp 2.x or 5.x)

Songtitle of audiofile currently playing (requires Winamp 2.x or 5.x)

Elapsed time of file that is currently playing (requires Winamp 2.x or 5.x)

Remaining time of file that is currently playing (requires Winamp 2.x or 5.x)

Total time of file that is currently playing (requires Winamp 2.x or 5.x)

Samplerate of audio file that is currently playing (requires Winamp 2.x or 5.x)

Bitrate of audio file that is currently playing (requires Winamp 2.x or 5.x)

Number of Channels of audio file that is currently playing (requires Winamp 2.x or 5.x)

Status of Winamp. Either "playing", "paused" or "stopped" (requires Winamp 2.x or 5.x)

"0" if Winamp plays an audio file "2" when Winamp plays a video, "1" if you are using Winamp 2.x (not supported) (requires Winamp 5.01/02)

Version number of Winamp (2.91 i.e.) (requiresWinamp 2.x or 5.x)

Album of the song currently playing in winamp (requires Winamp 2.x or 5.x, installed RoboMX Winamp report plugin and a correctly tagged file)

Tracknumber of the song currently playing in Winamp (requires Winamp 2.x or 5.x, installed RoboMX Winamp report plugin and a correctly tagged file)

Comment tag of the song currently playing in winamp (requires Winamp 2.x or 5.x, installed RoboMX Winamp report plugin and a correctly tagged file)

Release year of the song currently playing in winamp (requires Winamp 2.x or 5.x, installed RoboMX Winamp report plugin and a correctly tagged file)

Genre of the song currently playing in winamp (requires Winamp 2.x or 5.x, installed RoboMX Winamp report plugin and a correctly tagged file)

Number of channels on the WinMX Peernetwork (requires RoboMX to be connected to the WPN and channellist to be loaded in RoboMX

Number of channels filtered out by RoboMX because they violated your filter settings (requires RoboMX to be connected to the WPN and channellist to be loaded in RoboMX

Number of channels hosted on WinMX on the WinMX Peernetwork (requires RoboMX to be connected to the WPN and channellist to be loaded in RoboMX

Number of channels hosted on roboServe on the WinMX Peernetwork (requires RoboMX to be connected to the WPN and channellist to be loaded in RoboMX

Number of channels using RCMS on the WinMX Peernetwork (requires RoboMX to be connected to the WPN and channellist to be loaded in RoboMX

Number of channels using MCMA on the WinMX Peernetwork (requires RoboMX to be connected to the WPN and channellist to be loaded in RoboMX

Number of channels hosted with MCS on the WinMX Peernetwork (requires RoboMX to be connected to the WPN and channellist to be loaded in RoboMX

Number of channels hosted with WCS on the WinMX Peernetwork (requires RoboMX to be connected to the WPN and channellist to be loaded in RoboMX

Total number of users in all channels on the WinMX Peernetwork (requires RoboMX to be connected to the WPN and channellist to be loaded in RoboMX

Average lag in the channel Metis runs in

Number of messages recieved by Metis since it entered the channel

Number of messages sent by Metis since it entered the channel

If you use <out type="exec"> Metis will store the result of the ShellExecute call in this variable. (0 on success, other on failure. Check Windows API documentation for more details)

<out type="exec"> in blocking mode (extdata="1") Metis will store the exit code of the program you launched in this variable.

Pushing And Popping A Variable

Ok so you know the basic structure of a code now.
<out>What Metis Says</out>
<< closing of the code.

Ok now lets look at pushing a variable to store data / info.

So start of with a simple command but this time instead of just <command> put this <command type="script"> you will soon get into a habbit of putting the type="script" in every code you make so by know you should have.

<command type="script">
now the <in>

<in>!store %PARAM%</in> ok so this tells metis what to do more or less it tells metis to do something with %PARAM% this is the something, the <out>, in previous scripts you just put <out> now this is where it gets fun use this.

<out type="push" extdata="Store"">%PARAM%</out> > ok so now what ever %PARAM% was is now stored in the variable Store to signify a variable you use $.  

ok now close that command with your </command>.

so now you should have a command that looks like this

<command type="script">
<in>!store %PARAM%</in>
type="push" extdata="Store">%PARAM%</out>

ok now for the next bit

you need another command so

<command type="script">
the <in> with be
<in>!show The Variable</in>
the out will be the stored variable
close the command

you should have a command that looks like this

<command type="script">
<in>!show The Variable</in>

To test your command in your room make sure you have turned your bot on and its in /bot mode
then type
!store test

Then Type !show the variable

Thats it For This Session Hope you learnt a lot from it.
Contact me with any suggestions.
Thanks MrScruff

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