Seans Mato Client


Mato is a secondary level WPN compatible Client created by a fine developer named Sean, its written in .Net and you may be asked to allow the latest .Net framework to be installed on your system if its not already up to date, this should be a very simple operation and then you can move on to enjoying this brand new addition to the WinMX communities great range of apps.

Click here for help with the .Net updates.

Lets look at the Options available in Mato first as we need to let it know a few things to show the rest of the world.
As you can see this is the place to enter our username and line type.

We can also be certain we get the latest Mato updates by making sure the "update" box is ticked.

All should be set up at this stage and now we can get back to using Mato.

We can now look to choose a channel from the rather colourful list  

And what could be simpler than entering the selected chat Channel.

As you can see this is a new concept in Winmx Chat clients and I think we can look forward to seeing yet further enhancements from Sean.

You can grab a copy of Seans Mato client from here

If you wish to contact Sean (the developer) to discuss any aspect of his client you can do so by visiting the rebelion forum

I'm sure the community will wish to join with me in giving Sean a big Thank You, well done Sean !!

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