Upload Managers for WinMX

When you share files those files are accessable to everyone. Anybody can download them... but what about leeches?

Many people dont like leeches (people who dont share files) getting their files. A simple way so sum this up is "if you dont want to share with others, why should others share with you?" and they prefer to give to people who will help spread the files instead.

There are 2 programs that can be used to automate the process of blocking uploads to leeches.

Leech Hammer
This is a reasonably simple program, it is easy to use.
You can download LeechHammer from The LeechHammer website
If you want some help setting it up go to How To Set Up LeecHammer

This program offers much more control over who it allows/blocks, and can also be set to give priority to certain files over others, and a whole load of other things. Its a little more complicated but if you can figure out how to use it then its a much better alternative to LeechHammer.

you can download MXMonitor from MXMonitor - Once you have it you might also want to look at This MXMonitor Tutorial

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